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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

My  passion for plants started at  a young age.  If I wasn't in my Barbie fantasy world I was outside exploring the goings on of the natural world.   Be it watching how the petals of morning glories shimmer in the sun or counting the number of worms in a single scoop of earth, I wanted to explore all it! At age seventeen, I was hired at a local Home and Garden Center.  That's where my passion evolved into a career.  When I started my family I knew it was time to branch out on my own.  The Tiny Gardener germinated from an idea to a company. 

My goal is to offer expert service on designing, growing and maintaining the perfect garden.  As a seasoned 'plantaholic' and nature lover, I make it my mission to develop gardens that not only look spectacular but also function well for my clients' needs and wants without negatively impacting Mother Nature.  Plants, animals and insects are meant to be together.  We have a responsibility to find ways to make that happen so all of us can thrive.  And that, my friends, is my mission.


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